Our range of solutions
You can build your future knowing that our focus on greater transparency, simplicity and accountability lies at the core of our proven solutions.

Whether your focus is Revenue, Customs, or Transport - or creating efficiencies between these areas - we have the proven software tools and practical know-how to help you make that next leap forward.
All our products are robust Customer Management Systems. However, they can also be integrated seamlessly with each other to provide you with a single and secure source of truth. By using the same industry-leading platform throughout, all our solutions share a familiar, easy-to-use interface and by incorporating online and mobile capacity they are also inherently future-proofed.
This is backed up by our ’on-the-ground’ expertise and services. Our deliberate approach has been stress-tested, proven and repeated in economies around the world - each with their unique opportunities and challenges.
Everywhere that a DataTorque solution has been employed, Authorities report an increase in capability and efficiency, and a rise in compliance and revenue. Simply put, each solution has delivered a return on investment that has met or exceeded all expectations. This is why we’ve never lost a client in over 20 years of operation.

Our Revenue Management System™ (RMS) is a powerful and flexible tax management application that helps you more effectively collect and manage tax revenues.
The impact of deploying our RMS is instant. In each of the countries where RMS operates today complexity has been cut, duplication issues resolved, compliance met and revenues across the board have increased .
RMS is a complete end-to-end solution that’s designed for mobilising domestic revenue and enabling countries to achieve their goals. It brings together taxpayer information, transactions and communications into one user-friendly system, and provides an accurate single source of truth, using data you know you can trust.
This makes a huge difference within a tax authority. Administrative tasks become automated, and subjective decision-making is replaced with risk-based modelling and monitoring. Your people and resources can be directed where they are needed most and away from double-handling and paper shuffling.
Taxpayers are supported with clear communication and prompt response times. Services can also be delivered online or via mobile to help taxpayers engage even more.
For the taxpayer, the experience becomes transparent, reliable and fair. This transforms attitudes and generates a commitment towards compliance that has a real-world return on investment.
Being a focused and integrated system, ensures that RMS is easily scalable and adaptable to future technology or changes in legislation.
Benefits & Features

Drive productivity
Free up resources to focus on high-risk compliance areas and early-intervention work by automating administrative paper work.

Easy to use
RMS has been designed to be intuitive so it’s easy to use and understand. Delivers fast returns and success comes early.

RMS provides the insight and focus needed to reduce collection costs while increasing compliance and revenue.

Evolves with you
RMS is scalable, integrated and supports online and mobile channels. It’s a working solution for today that can adapt for tomorrow.

Smooth implementation
RMS is straight forward and hassle-free to implement - just one of the reasons why we’ve never lost a customer.

Safeguard your data
Your data confidentiality is protected with Military-grade encryption and best-in-class security practices.

Build trust
By providing taxpayers and staff with a transparent, fair system, RMS helps build attitudes that drive compliance behaviour.

Create opportunity
Realise your economy’s full potential, with the means to fund your public works and lift the standard of living in your country.

Smarter decisions
Make better decisions with accurate reporting based on a complete picture of all taxpayer transactions.
Our Transport Management System™ (TMS) is an end-to-end solution for managing driver and vehicle licencing.
Since launching, it has helped countries consistently reduce costs, improve customer service and increase revenue collection.
This has a very real impact on the future. More reliable funding allows for more roading and transport projects to be completed, increasing road safety and saving lives.
For drivers and vehicle owners, the change TMS creates is immediately noticeable. Driver licences can be created and printed in under a minute, communications can be delivered via mail, email, TXT or web; and all transactions are easily tracked making for a more reliable and fairer system.
Like all DataTorque products, TMS is built on an industry-leading framework with a clear focus on the user. The interface is intuitive, making the transition from a manual, paper based system to computerised records and identity cards a smooth one. The system is also easy to use and has strong search functionality.

TMS adapts readily to changes in technology or the introduction of new legislation. It is complete as a stand-alone product or integrates smoothly with RMS and CMS to provide a single source of truth for authorities to work from.
Benefits & Features

Tested & proven
Our robust solution has been tested in the field and proven to deliver the desired results.

The use of digital and self-service channels in smart ways helps to reduce the cost of collecting each dollar of revenue.

Right first time
TMS doesn’t just automate the paperwork, it increases the accuracy by helping staff and customers to “get it right first time”.

Easy to use
TMS is intuitive and easy to learn, so the uptake is quick and the transition to a modern system is smooth.

A tailored solution
Our tailored solution is modelled to your legislative environment and will adapt with you over time.

Future proof
With options like contactless cards for driver licences, a TMS solution is built with the future in mind

Happy customers
The ability to register cars and renew licences online or at self-service hubs means less customer time spent waiting in line.

Better infrastructure
By reducing costs and increasing compliance, more revenue can be directed where it’s needed to fund essential public infrastructure that saves lives.

Stop fraud and evasion
The built in security features of our software and consumables are state of the art to ensure system integrity and stamp out fraudulent behaviour.
Our Customs Management System™ (CMS) is a powerful, easy-to-use tool that transforms customs processing, making it faster and more transparent.
Its impact is immediate and felt at a grassroots level. Goods reach the marketplace faster, revenue is collected more cost-effectively and at-risk goods are better identified and monitored.
CMS is a focused system that aligns with international customs best-practice. It is compliant with organisational standards that allow trading partners to freely exchange data electronically and utilises the Harmonised Series 2007 Cargo Classification System. This makes it easy for an Authority and other stakeholders to use and report key information.
Administrative tasks become automated allowing staff to focus on inspecting at-risk goods rather than processing manual transactions. A user-friendly online registration also encourages voluntary compliance by traders.

Using the same technology platform as all DataTorque products, means CMS is highly flexible. It can be implemented in stages and integrated seamlessly with RMS and TMS to provide a single source of truth. It can also adapt quickly and easily to changes in legislation.
Benefits & Features

The right tools
CMS is a focused solution with rich functionality, which scales to your needs so you always have the right tools on hand.

CMS helps streamline your processes to reduce the cost of collection, while making it easier for traders to comply - helping to increase revenue.

Easy to use
The intuitive interface is easy to understand and quick to learn ensuring a fast and smooth transition to a modern system.

Improved international trade
CMS aligns with standardised international systems, helping traders and customs staff ‘talk the same language'.

Faster processing
By automating the paperwork, goods are processed faster and hit the local marketplace sooner.

Better enforcement
A blend of automated risk-profiling and random goods targeting ensures more effective enforcement.

See the big picture
By integrating seamlessly with RMS and TMS, you get a complete picture of a customer’s transactions across jurisdictions.

Right first time
CMS doesn’t just automate paperwork, it increases accuracy by helping staff and customers get it right first time, eliminating costly rework.

Reliable Marketplace
CMS automation improves the transparency of getting imported goods to market, driving a more reliable flow of goods between markets.
A DataTorque solution goes beyond delivering world-leading technology. It's built on a solid foundation of wide-ranging and ongoing expert support.
Coming from an island nation ourselves, we believe in local people and their ability to drive their own vision for the future. Our role is to provide the means for an economy to advance.
The human side of that equation makes all the difference. This is why we prioritise partnering our technological solutions with best-practice expertise in business process redesign, organisational change management and extensive hands-on training for staff and stakeholders.
On a strategic level we’re able to guide clients through re-engineering their business processes, documenting the personnel capabilities and resource allocation needed to optimise operations. We support this with tailored change management and communications plans to establish a smooth road to transition.

At a grassroots level our training programmes are geared towards fostering local ownership and winning the hearts and minds of local staff and users. Early engagement is where the rubber hits the road, and we ensure that the traction you need is there to generate fast and continuous success.
Benefits & Features

Get implementation right
We support clients at every step in utilising, setting up or procuring the hardware and network architecture required.

Build capacity
We work side-by-side with local IT teams, helping you build the capacity for today and a roadmap for tomorrow.

Encourage acceptance
Detailed external and internal communication plans encourage early uptake and overcome institutional inertia.

Empower your people
Extensive training to develop staff ‘champions’ and online tutorials to encourage early engagement with end-users.

Document your development
Help developing the new policies, procedures and business processes that you need to advance your economy.

Safeguard your data
Protecting your national data is paramount and best-in-class security practices and military-grade encryption come standard with a DataTorque solution.